Archive for April 2013

Season 7 Episode 23 Podcast Uploaded

Thanks to the problems with the studio during the show, this week the Podcast is in mono, and the website’s a little late as some rewiring has been done. Episode 23 was the episode in which a failed audio cable plagued the show, with TK scrambling to find the fault while Xavier and Felis battled on as if nothing was amiss. The fault, which was finally traced to the cable between the compressor and the main mixing console, has now been rectified so with any luck, things will be back to the normal “stuff only breaking in the first 20 minutes” rule, instead of things being broken throughout the show. The problem did prove to TK, however, that the YouTube feed is in mono and was apparently unaffected, unless people in IRC were lying to make TK feel better.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK mutters some things about The Loony Tunes Show.
Xavier talks about Happy Jacks RPG Podcast.
Felis continues his theme of reviewing film remakes by talking about Dredd 3D (in 2D).

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
What piece of furniture would you put in your room, regardless of cost or space?


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Season 7 Episode 22 Podcast Uploaded

Website’s a little late on the update due to having to spend a lot of time yesterday both job hunting and going to Ikea to get a new sofa for the lounge. Still, better late than never. This week’s show had things return to normal somewhat, with TK being in control of the sound effects, and Felis almost not having a thing for Done and Dusted until a few moments before the show started. We even only over-ran by 26 minutes…
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK mutters some things about the Merry Melodies short Smile, Darn Ya Smile.
Xavier reviews Batgirl new 52 volume 1.
Felis waffles a little about the new Total Recall film.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
Should real world issues be used in games? Give an example if possible.


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Season 7 Episode 21 Podcast Uploaded

Ever had one of those days where nothing works, no matter how hard you try to fix things? That’s what was going on in the moments before the show went to air this week. The problems started with Felis forgetting his microphone and ending up on Xavier’s normal mic, before going downhill from there. The end result was Xavier being in control of the jingles and sound effects after some very quick rewiring from TK to get things sorted. Once we’d got to air, the rest of the show went reasonably well. Xavier talked about his illness due to food poisoning during the week, which lead to some TMI moments, and TK offering some useful advice to all those who may suffer from gut problems in the future. The start of the Gaming News was also hijacked by some real world news, as the cast talked about the passing of former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK reviews the demo of NetherRealm’s new fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us.
Xavier talks about Escape Goat on the XBL Indie Store.
Felis gives us his thoughts on Boarderlands UVHM.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
What was your worst food related illness experience?


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Season 7 Episode 20 Podcast Uploaded

It’s April Fools Day, but that means nothing when you’ve got a studio filled with fools anyway. Much time was spent during this show as the cast took a chunk out of the Gaming News to talk about their favourite April Fools pranks from various websites, including YouTube’s Contest Prank™ which saw them holding a 12 hour nominee listing show streamed live over the Internet. Very impressive. People also used the built-in IRC client on this here very website, which meant for the first time, the much-mentioned Robin could take part in the live chat, and berate Xavier over his appalling recollections of the goings-on during Role Play Talk.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK reviews the film Smiley.
Xavier talks about Howls Moving Castle, and Darkstalkers HD.
Felis gives us his thoughts on the Mistborn Trilogy.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
What was your best April fools gag?


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