Archive for May 2013

Arse/Elbow Resolutions

It seems every time Google attempt to improve a service, they end up breaking it. I can’t remember the last time YouTube worked properly (no, the patch-work of cobbled together pieces of code that constitutes YouTube at the moment is not what I’d consider “working properly”), even though it’s going through constant upgrades. The new UI is a mess of left-alignment and white space, and the screenshots I’ve seen of the new upload screen (which I fear I might be suffering shortly) are frightful to say the least. Not to mention the YouTube Analytics/Adsense debacle (those who it’s affected will know what I mean there). Now Google has decided to “upgrade” Hangouts, using the G+ video chat platform to amalgamate all their chat and video conferencing products into one convenient clusterfuchs*. This has resulted in everything breaking, and the Hangouts On Air recordings vanishing into the Ether.

Thankfully, the guys on the support desk seem to be a little more on the ball. The very helpful Community Manager, Dori, has managed to coax the team behind Hangouts On Air into finding the recording of Season 7 Episode 28 – and I am now currently downloading it, in order to upload to YouTube. Score! While I hope this doesn’t happen again, I can’t promise it – so please bear with us as Google figures out how to get its products and services working properly.

Edit: The TubeCast is uploading now… While I type this. Should be a couple of hours before it has finished. Having stayed up all night watching the entirety of Robot Wars series 1 and 2, I might have gone to bed by then, so I’ll update the Podcast page later.

Second Edit: The TubeCast is now up on YouTube and linked to from the Episode 28 Podcast post. Go watch!

* Der Fuchs is, Google Translate informs me, the german term for The Fox. So it is reasonable to assume that Fuchs is Fox. Fox sounds like a word I’d love to use right now, especially as the German word when spoken rhymes with “ducks”. Riesendurcheinander is apparently the word I’d actually like to use according to one online translation tool, though Google translates it to “giant mess”. The wordplay on Fox/Fuchs is the basis for one of the shirts available in the Shopping page, featuring a cute cartoon fox – which you should totally go and check out.

Season 7 Episode 28 Podcast Updated

If this was the BBC, we might have just been able to call Episode 28 “The One Show”. While there was no RolePlay Talk this week due to none having taken place, the cast instead managed to more than make up for it with talk about the XBox One Reveal. Oh yes, this is one hotly contested debate – and for once TK doesn’t go all super Playstation fanboy. For once!
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis – with some Hedgie in the background.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK talks the feature-length animation Santa’s Apprentice.
Xavier gives his thoughts on Defiance.
Felis reviews Sonic Unleashed on the Wii.

Television Talk:
The Voice Super Battle Saturday.

Question of the Week:
Which would you prefer: Metal Gear on PC, or Zone Of the Enders 3?


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BBQ On The Common #4

After talking about it during the show, TK has finally updated the social media with the event… No formal details released yet other than the date and time – but if you are interested in coming along, please confirm so on either our G+ page for the event, our Facebook page for the event, or by leaving a comment below – just so we can judge what kind of numbers to expect, and to make sure that no one is left behind when the day comes. Now for some handy information.

Date: Sunday 28 July 2013
Time: 12.00 – 18.00
Location: Southampton Common
Meeting Location: Outside the Platform 1 waiting room of Southampton Central Station

In The Event Of Rain: As the weather is reporting rain (typical), we do have a couple of options. There are local pubs, namely The Cowherds on the Common, which can provide shelter from the rain, and a wide selection of food and drinks – although prices aren’t the cheapest. A second option is to pay a visit to The Food Factory, which is an all-you-can-eat restaurant containing many different themed food areas. Price is £9.99 + drinks and is open from 12pm-4.30pm – For more info, see their website here:

And now for some links:

Google+ Event Link | Facebook Event Link

We hope to see you there. More information will be released nearer the time, and this post will be stickied and updated as and when we have more to shout about.

Season 7 Episode 27 Podcast Updated

Another week, another minor equipment failure – or rather some human error to start with, followed by some equipment failure which forced us to mute the microphones for a moment and yank cables around. For some reason the live YouTube stream was playing up, but the TubeCast seems to have been unaffected. Even without Role Play Talk (due there being no RP since the host was away on a work trip), the show managed to overrun by half an hour thanks to Xavier ranting about the final episode of Doctor Who. Plus, there was a little talk about the game Ingress, which is taking over our lives at the moment.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK talks about the YouTube Comedy Week Live Opening.
Xavier reviews System Shock 2.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
Eurovision Song Contest 2012.

Question of the Week:
What one typical cinema snack food would you eat, if you could only eat that food forever?


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Season 7 Episode 26 Podcast Uploaded

Late update due to not working properly and saving the newest podcast upload. It is finally fixed, and so the site can be updated. Which is exactly what I said in the post for Episode 25! In this week’s show, mass distractions. Equipment failure(ish) at the very start demonstrate that TK needs new headphones, or something. Then during Done and Dusted, TK unleashes Candy Box on everyone, and it all does rather downhill from there… Balls. This episode holds the current record for over-running the least, ending almost on 2 hours long. Fear the power of the mass distraction.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK waffles on about Candy Box.
Xavier talks about the game Thomas Was Alone.
Felis reviews Sanctum.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
If you could place portals into the real world, where would you put one, and where would it go?


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Season 7 Episode 25 Podcast Uploaded

Very late update due to not working properly and saving the newest podcast upload. It is finally fixed, and so the site can be updated. Go YEY! In this week’s show, it’s Show 666 (in total), so expect some unexpected problems, mostly because the equipment in Studio C is starting to show its age. Might be time to start thinking about getting some new equipment.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK talks about Ingress.
Xavier reviews Sacred Citadel.
Felis gives his thoughts on animated short The Reward.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
If you could be any Star Wars character, who would you be?


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Season 7 Episode 24 Podcast Uploaded

Excuse for late website update #324: The unemployed bum of a website administrator (because this isn’t yet a paying job, as much as I’d like it to be) might have just fallen into employment. It is very much still a might at the moment, but fingers crossed, eh? On with the rundown of the show…

It’s a very crowded studio for Episode 24 as the studio is assaulted by guests from far and wide. Making a triumphant return as guest, former host Eeve3 returns for her first show of Season 7, joined by her loving boyfriend Salamander3 (anyone else notice all the 3’s going on?). Not wanting to miss the party, Angel Darksong also makes an appearance, bringing the numbers up 7 people in the studio as semi-regular host Hedgie takes his spot between Xavier and Felis. Chaos ensues. Thankfully, Felis had the piece of mind to bring some of his audio equipment with him (even if he did forget a few bits, making Xavier drive him home to fetch them) so almost everyone could be mic’ed up. Tonight’s highlight could be Xavier getting wound up as the Gaming News descends into an argument over advertising… Listen (or watch), and see what you think.
Starring TK, Xavier, Hedgie, Salamander3, Eeve3, Angel Darksong, and Felis.  Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK gives a small and spoiler-free talk on AstroLoco – Worst Contact
Xavier reviews Planetside 2, and Salamander3’s Ludum Dare game 6 Steps (aka Potato).
Felis gives his thoughts on Iron Man: Rise of Technovore.
Salamander3 talks about the Walking Dead graphic novels.

Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.

Question of the Week:
If you had a TK Tiger doll, where would you put it?


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