With a hot studio, and a random guest floating around in the studio, the cast return for another couple of hours of fun. TK’s still feeling a little ill from a mild bout of food poisoning from a bad Chinese takeaway meal, but everything pulls together and almost works for once. We talk a little about the BBQ that happened, as well a great many other wild and random (and probably offensive) things. Thanks to our “wonderful” Internet connection, the show cuts out briefly in the middle, which affects the TubeCast, though the Podcast is fine, as it is recorded from a separate stream.
Starring TK, Xavier, Hedgie, and Felis – with a Floating Lime hiding somewhere. Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
TK and Felis review the first episode of Series 2 of Video Game High School.
Hedgie talks about Summer Games Done Quick, with the aid of TK.
Television Talk:
Top Gear – Series 20
Dreamkeepers Prelude Collection – by David and Liz Lille
Room Party: The Game – by SofaWolf Games
Chroma Squad – by Saulo Camarotti
Question of the Week:
What is the most frustrating boss you’ve encountered in a video game?