It seems Hedgie makes the room warm, because the show starts off in true TigerTails Radio Summer fashion of Xavier complaining about the studio being warmer than the heart of the sun. The cast try Aether Cola before reviewing the week, which seemed to go down rather badly, with TK finding it so disgusting he refuses to drink it. Thankfully, Hedgie has been cola shopping, so there’s enough real cola in the studio to give everyone diabetes without effort. This is a rare show, too, as it goes off with a surprising lack of technical difficulties – shock!
Starring TK, Xavier, Hedgie and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
TK reviews Puppeteer Demo on PS3.
Xavier talks about Inseparable.
Hedgie gives his thoughts on Burn Notice Season 6
Television Talk:
Dragon’s Den
Video Game High School
The Hairy Bikers’ Restoration Road Trip
Video Games Live, Level 3 – by Tommy Tallarico
Advertise Adblock – by Michael Gundlach
Anthro: Animating the Soul – by Mikey Silva
Question of the Week:
Do you think pre-ordering games is a good thing or bad thing?