That Monday feeling is certainly being felt, though unlike last week this is mostly because TK is doped up on headache medication. We’re swapping out Xavier (who is having a well earned week off) and getting a Hedgie back to bring his unique brand of… Something… to the proceedings. AngelDarkSong also makes a comeback, but this might be because we’re holding his PS3 hostage while he trains on the new BlazBlue – which is also what he reviews for Done and Dusted this week.
Starring TK, Hedgie, AngelDarkSong, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
AngelDarkSong reviews BlazBlue: Chronophantasma.
Hedgie talks about why he likes the Nintendo 2DS.
Television Talk:
With nothing really on, there was nothing to talk about this week.
This week was just an update on past projects.
Question of the Week:
This section is being retired until Season 8.