Archive for October 2014

Season 8 Episode 32 Podcast Uploaded

A full house as all the cast arrive for this week’s show, including the elusive wanderer Hedgie. Of course, this means chaos – although it wasn’t show delaying chaos. The mic stand for Hedgie’s normal mic was broken, however. So this meant a tie-clip mic had to be brought out of retirement and actually did quite a good job. In this episode, there are rants about all sorts of things, and TK leaves it until late in the show to talk about the “exciting” thing that happened to him this week…
Starring TK, Xavier, AngelDarksong, Hedgie, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
TK and Hedgie review Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 2014 film).
Xavier talks about The Mentalist Series 5.

TV Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Flash.
Video Game High School.


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Season 8 Episode 31 Podcast Uploaded

No AngelDarksong this week as he runs away to London to practise for a fighting game tournament, so this week Felis is joined by the TK Wolf as TK is far too tired to appear on camera and FaceRig has updated to the point where it’s far more useable for the show. Xavier joins us from his remote studio in the middle of somewhere, after being away for a week. So the conversation is fast and free-flowing. We also over-run a little, but that worked out okay as the show started a little late and then had a minor technical difficulty with the backing music anyway.
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
Xavier reviews Borderlands – The Pre-Sequel.
TK talks about Vib Ribbon.

TV Talk:
Doctor Who


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Season 8 Episode 30 Podcast Uploaded

A surprise lack of Xavier in this episode as everyone forgets he’s on holiday on a coach tour of Cornwall/Devon. So this leaves TK, Felis, and AngelDarksong to field the show themselves. All while very tired after a hard week of work/NaNoWriMo related activities. Of course, with Xavier away, the rambling could come out to play again, so enjoy 2 hours of us all falling asleep at the wheel and getting into some hot topics regarding Top Gear… As you do.
Starring TK, Angel DarkSong, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
AngelDarkson reviews Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishment.

TV Talk:
Doctor Who


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Season 8 Episode 29 Podcast Uploaded

A second show with no disasters, what is wrong with us? Not only that, but all the segments went smoothly, nothing really over-ran, and opinions were shared without turning into a raging argument. Now all we have to do is figure out professionalism and we’ll be sorted. This week we have a full cast with Hedgie returning to the show (enjoying a day off work) and Felis returning after tending to the sick. Soon, however, TK and Felis will be preparing for NaNoWriMo – so expect chaos and delay.
Starring TK, Xavier, Angel DarkSong, Felis, and Hedgie. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
Xavier talks about the game Bardbarian.
TK gives his opinions of the book Return of the Tuesday Dogs.
Hedgie reviews Super Smash Bros for 3DS.

TV Talk:
Doctor Who


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