With the Xavier making a trip down to the studio for a change as he enjoys a week away from his day job, TK and the team bring forth another episode of the episodic examination on just how much Felis and Angel Darksong want to dress/look like each other. The show starts with a chaotic normality as Xavier faffs about attaching his microphone to his glasses… All caught on video in the TubeCast. The rest of the show goes without a major hitch, even if the cast forget to do the Review of the Week until near the end of the show… Idiots.
Starring TK, Xavier, Felis, and AngelDarksong. Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
Felis reviews Gun Point.
TK is utterly distracted by the game Pix the Cat on PS Vita.
TV Talk:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The cast talk about various shows they need to watch.