Archive for January 2015

Season 8 Episode 44 Podcast Uploaded

With the Xavier making a trip down to the studio for a change as he enjoys a week away from his day job, TK and the team bring forth another episode of the episodic examination on just how much Felis and Angel Darksong want to dress/look like each other. The show starts with a chaotic normality as Xavier faffs about attaching his microphone to his glasses… All caught on video in the TubeCast. The rest of the show goes without a major hitch, even if the cast forget to do the Review of the Week until near the end of the show… Idiots.
Starring TK, Xavier, Felis, and AngelDarksong. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
Felis reviews Gun Point.
TK is utterly distracted by the game Pix the Cat on PS Vita.

TV Talk:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
The cast talk about various shows they need to watch.


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Season 8 Episode 43 Podcast Uploaded

A week without Felis as our beloved cast member is ill, so TK is joined by Xavier and Angel Darksong for this episode. This doesn’t stop the madness, however, as the cast quickly get into the swing of talking over the jingles (thanks Xavier), delivering the news, and TK takes an odd step of reviewing a place for Done and Dusted.
Starring TK, Xavier, and AngelDarksong. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
Xavier gives his thoughts on the mobile game Boom Beach.
Angel Darksong reviews Payday 2.
TK talks about the Barrow Hill Roundhouse.

TV Talk:
Stars In Their Eyes.
The Voice.
The Musketeers.


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Season 8 Episode 42 Podcast Uploaded

This week the cast see in the New Year with a little technical fault with the YouTube feed’s audio again, but for once this is utterly sorted within the first 10 minutes or so. 2015 could well be the year YouTube works. Or something. The cast cover a wide selection of topics during the Gaming News, somehow only giving a passing mention to Ed Boon’s “Trailer” for Kung Lao in MK X. There is also a little talk of Awesome Games Done Quick, which is currently on as this post is typed. Seriously, download this podcast and then go check them out, and donate in order to raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Also, go get your hands on the Beast’s Fury demo, and check out TigerTails Gaming’s video on the game.
Starring TK, Xavier, AngelDarksong, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.

For Done and Dusted:
Xavier reviews AntiChamber.
Felis rambles about Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer.
TK gushes over Beast’s Fury (Pre-Demo 2015-01-01).

Show Notes:
Beast’s Fury Website
Get a Beast’s Fury T-Shirt
Download Beast’s Fury Pre-Demo
TigerTails Gaming’s play of Beast’s Fury (Pre-Demo 2015-01-01)


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