With just TK and Xavier in the studio today, there is nothing to stop the pair waffling on as they are prone to, allowing the duo to have a massive Done and Dusted rant about Doctor Who’s final episode of the series, even if TK did have to abandon the show briefly to take an important phonecall during the show. Bad man he is. Traditional technical foul ups plague the first few minutes of the show as per normal, but it soon sorts itself out.
Starring TK and Xavier.
Music played on today’s show:
Song 1
Cheetahmen II – C.H.E.E.T.A.H. by PrototypeRaptor
Song 2
The Eyepatch of the Tiger by Nostalvania
Song 3
Devotion and Deception by Derek Oren, Jeremy Robson
Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
Doctor Who Series 9
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