Archive for June 2021

Season 13 Episode 18

Today everyone learned that Hedgie is a simp for VTubers… The world is a slightly worse place with this knowledge. He joins Xavier on the sofa, and TK in his corner for another episode that started a little late due to the slow death of a tripod. Thankfully, everything else ran smoothly, and a fun show was had. 2 games of Jackbox were enjoyed with some Split the Room and Blather Round played.

TK, Hedgie, and Xavier.

Music Played:
Blake Robinson’s Synthetic Orchestra – Sonic the Hedgehog Medley

Done and Dusted:
There was no Done and Dusted this week.

Season 13 Episode 17

A show that starts on time? What is this madness? TK is once again joined by Hedgie and Xavier as they talk about all sorts of things, from work to how cornflakes may or may not have been used to prevent males from self pleasure. Plus TK gets to do the Done and Dusted slot for once, which makes a change. 2 games of Jackbox were played, with some Guesspionage followed by Fibbage 3. All in all, a packed show.

TK, Hedgie, and Xavier.

Music Played:
Iceferno – Go Straight.

Done and Dusted:
TK talks about the film of Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds.

Season 13 Episode 16

Technical difficulties at the start of the show? Don’t know what you’re talking about guvnor. A slightly longer show than usual as Done and Dusted makes things overrun a touch as Xavier takes TK’s thing off on a tangent. A fun show with TK again joined by Hedgie and Xavier as the cast talk about many things including Streamlabs OBS, the films featuring D’artagnan and the Three Musketeers, and how to interact with people post lockdown. 2 Jackbox games happened, with some Quiplash and some Blather Round.

TK, Hedgie, and Xavier.

Music Played:
João Seabra – Theme from Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds.

Done and Dusted:
TK talks about the trailer for the film of Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds.
Xavier talks about the new Disney+ series Loki.

Season 13 Episode 15

A rare Monday where the show started on time, had no technical difficulties, and everything went according to plan. How random. TK is joined as the usual pairing of Xavier and Hedgie, as the trio reminisce of old TV shows from their youth, talk about chasing trains, sun burn, and getting kicked out of the house for a morning… As you do. A trio of JackBox games happened, with a round of Trivia Murder Party, Quiplash 3, and Blather Round.

TK, Hedgie, and Xavier.

Music Played:
Sir NutS – Crimea River

Done and Dusted:
There was no Done and Dusted this week.

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