Website’s a little late on the update due to having to spend a lot of time yesterday both job hunting and going to Ikea to get a new sofa for the lounge. Still, better late than never. This week’s show had things return to normal somewhat, with TK being in control of the sound effects, and Felis almost not having a thing for Done and Dusted until a few moments before the show started. We even only over-ran by 26 minutes…
Starring TK, Xavier, and Felis. Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
TK mutters some things about the Merry Melodies short Smile, Darn Ya Smile.
Xavier reviews Batgirl new 52 volume 1.
Felis waffles a little about the new Total Recall film.
Television Talk:
Doctor Who.
The Voice.
Question of the Week:
Should real world issues be used in games? Give an example if possible.
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