The Return of TigerTails Radio

Season 9 is coming. With our 11th birthday happening on Monday July 20th, we’re certainly hoping to get the show back up and running before then. Over 100m of new cable has been purchased and Thomas King has taken a moment from web development to create an Android App for TK to use to control the sound effects and jingles, thus removing a PSP from the list of equipment required to keep the show running.

The annoying whine in the YouTube feed could potentially be gone too (which is a good thing) thanks to a nice piece of kit TK managed to pick up recently – and we could even start broadcasting in 1080p now (Subject to bandwidth tests).

We have also started to approach musicians on FurAffinity as one of the requests we got for Season 9 was to bring music back. Still not entirely sure on the technical side of adding tunes to the show, but we can now broadcast in a high enough quality for YouTube not to murder the sound so it’s something we are looking to bring back. If you would like your original music pieces featured on TigerTails Radio, please do get in touch. You can email us at and we’ll be in touch.

Conversation with the team have gone well to suggest that a couple of test shows (to make sure everything works before the “official” start of the season) could be started as soon as Monday 06 July. So that’s our target. If this is going to move, we’ll keep you posted on our Facebook/Twitter feeds as well as this site.

TigerTails Radio Season 9 – Watch This Space…

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