We’re working with failing tech, folks, so work with us. Right from the outset there was a pop as Felis breaks things, but afterwards sort themselves out quite quickly. We very nearly lose Xavier. but somehow manage to fix things without loss of stream, though the Podcast may have minor stuttering issues during the Gaming News segment. We got the rest of the show off without a hitch though, aside from a moment at the end. During which TK buys Mortal Kombat 9 for the Vita. As you do.
Starring TK, Xavier, Felis, and AngelDarksong. Backing music by Sanxion7.
For Done and Dusted:
Xavier reviews One Finger Death Punch on Mobile, and Darkest Dungeon on Steam.
Angel Darksong talks about Shovel Knight on the Wii U.
Felis speaks about Defiance.